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Wow!! Has it really been TWO YEARS since the inception of “Flip this Pattern”?!?!?! Our dream of a series was unveiled on our one year “blogiversary”….selfishly. You see, we needed “HELP”!! The fact of the matter is: we LOVE working from patterns….but needed some guidance in “flipping them” {so to speak} to create a unique design of our own. We were warned that a “year long series” is a HUGE commitment, and that we might want to start small – as in, one month. But, we craved your expertise….so we bit the bullet, and “Flip this Pattern” was born.
Year One was revealed in its entirety – 12 months of “flips”, complete with competitors and a sew-along for all to participate. Sponsors were secured, and we were set to go. As expected, the contributing bloggers didn’t disappoint!! Amazing entries were seen – month in and out. It was such a humbling experience to see sewists pour their heart and soul into a “flipped creation.”
Then, came YEAR TWO. And, the revamping of the “Flip this Pattern” series. Nothing major…..just mainly scheduling {releasing the competitors within the same week, instead of throughout the month}, and only releasing our plans ONE. SEASON. AT. A. TIME!! We’d like to think it added a little intrigue to the series… Oh, and we had a “kick-off month” to begin each season – one with a little “twist.” The summer season began with a pattern selected by our readers. The fall season was jump started with a “September Showcase” – highlighting 10 indie designers (those with 5 or fewer children’s patterns). And, finally, the spring season began with a month of FREE PATTERNS – in the February “Free for All.”
We secured a brand new line-up of competitors, but included past winners by having them showcase the monthly pattern through an introductory post.
We joined the fun with a round-up of our own creations, all using FREE patterns!! Then, thirty bloggers shared items sewn using FREE patterns, and a linky party of 100+ free patterns was created.
While we began “Flip this Pattern” primarily for selfish reasons, it seemed to grow into something much larger – and quite unexpected for us. “Flip this Pattern” was where a plethora of friendships were formed!! Between the participating competitors, sew-along participants, generous sponsors, and pattern companies….our bucket was full! Seriously overflowing….
We saw PHENOMENAL “behind the scenes” support for the series as sign-ups were released, with slots being filled in 5-7 minutes!!! Talk about FUN to sit back and watch everyone sign up, and see the competitor line-up for the months as they were formed!!
We saw pattern companies and sponsors commit to our series in “good faith” {although many had not personally worked with us in the past}.
We saw bloggers connect with one another. We saw a positive community of support growing for participants each and every month.
We saw pattern companies become exposed to some amazing seamstresses they may not have been aware of….
YES! YES! YES! Fist pump….YES!! It was more than we ever imagined!! ALL. BECAUSE. OF. YOU!!!!!
Now, if you are still hanging with us….on this incredibly LONG post {full of the awesomeness showcased through TWO YEARS of “Flip this Pattern”}….WOW, and THANK YOU!!
As for “Year Three”?? Well, after much thought and discussion, we are indefinitely discontinuing the “Flip this Pattern” portion of our blog. It has always been our desire to keep the series fresh and exciting, and feel as if discontinuing it is the best move for us at this time. Yes, series are a LOT of work, and they are not for the “faint of heart.” Yet we can’t imagine our blog without these past two years of “Flip this Pattern” and the quality content showcased by some amazingly talented ladies!! While we aren’t ready to say goodbye to “Flip this Pattern” forever, we are leaving it as an “indefinite suspension” for now.
We still hope and plan to inspire you through our creations….and use the knowledge gleaned from “Flip this Pattern” to share unique creations with you!
That said, we’d LOVE to hear from you as to what you’d like to see here! What kind of posts do you enjoy? Do you have any content requests?? We are currently reflecting on the past two years, as well as planning for the months ahead…, “sound off” and we’ll see what we can do!
I’ve been trying to think of something pithy to say to this news but all I can come up with is a big thank YOU for developing (inventing?) Flip this Pattern.
It has been a wonderful platform to not only get ideas and inspiration from other sew-ers but also it provided a link to meet others in the sewing community.
No doubt it was a lot of work for you both to put together. I was always amazed at the pattern designers you found let alone the willing participants. And to top it off, each and every post in the series was a delight to read.
So once again, THANK YOU!!
Oh, Deb!! Your support through these years has meant volumes to us!! THANK YOU!!
Oh dear! Your FLIP is my most favorite series. I don’t know what to say but I don’t like the idea of not seeing it anymore. My blog start here with this series, eventhough now it seems like I’m not sewing much lately due to baby business but stop here to enjoy wonderful creations of others can made my day. Anyway…thank you so much for create and groom the FLIP. And I hope you will come up with new idea, new series or anything that make the sewing conmunity connect and blissful as you’ve ever done before. Lots of love!
You are too, too sweet!! We are so glad you found our series, and chose to participate in the fun…. The connections between participants, sew-alongers, and companies made it all worth while!
Congratulations on two wonderful years! Thanks for your hard work and support! I enjoyed each thoughtful post and got lots of inspiration to see patterns differently.
Thank YOU for joining in the fun as we “flipped!”
Wow! So honored to have been part of such an amazing series. You two ladies created a wonderful community that will be hard to replicate. Can’t wait to see what the future brings!
And, what a way to end the series….with the Franklin Dress :). Definitely on a high note! Loved working with you through it.
Such fun to look back on the 2 years of the series! So many amazing bloggers and seamstresses! And so much fun to be a part of it all! Whatever you plan to do I’m sure it will be amazing, because whatever you do turns out that way!
You are TOO KIND! Now, if only we could have a breakfast brainstorming session with you….we miss you!
I’m sad to see “Flip this pattern” retire
This series prompted me to take risks with ideas, use my creativity and create the things that only existed in my head. My sewing confidence has grown with each flip. One of the reasons I started to blog was to join in. I was overjoyed to be a part of the series in the sewalongs and then as a competitor. I have loved finding new sewing friends and visiting new blogs to see all the creations each month. I can understand that it must have been a huge commitment and I thank you both for puting in that effort to make it as much fun as it was. I will be following along to see what you come up with next.
So, thank you for the series, the fun, the creativity and the friendships
Awww, responses like this are so special!! We are so glad you began blogging, and that we played a small part in your doing so. We look forward to continuing to follow you and your creations.
It has been such an awesome series. Thank you for the opportunity to participate. It was fun to scroll through the features. Job well done ladies!!
Those collages really showcased the caliber of garments sewn through the series. All contributors, guests, and winners were FABULOUS!!
This series was the main reason I joined the “blogging world” and while I am sad to see it go away, I am excited to see what you ladies come up with next! I am so happy to have been able to be a part of the sewing fun on a few occasions and will be loyally reading about your future sewing projects.
And, we’re so glad you faithfully joined the fun!! One of our favorite parts of these past 2 years has been seeing beginning blogs take off into being “up and coming” ones – like yours.
Job well done! It’s been a fabulous series and you’ve made it looked perfectly polished right from the start. Your graphics and presentation was way beyond first year blogging level! My highlight was the idea of Father’s Favourites. He has a very good eye!
:). We’ll be sure to pass that along to him!!! He definitely took his role quite seriously….and would give us a detailed reason for his selection process.
First of all thanks for organizing these two seasons! I love to flip patterns, and these posts always gave me more inspiration. I am already looking forward to what you are going to come up with! You asked for ideas and opinion, so I also very much like series like: “Take one dress” and “Secret Squirrel”. So where sewers inspire other sewers in a chain.
Ooooh, thanks for the ideas and suggestions!! Both those series are intriguing and a lot of fun to follow….
Thank you for the time and effort you have put into organising and running this series. It’s been an enormous pleasure to follow, and I was beyond excited to be one of the contestants last years (talk about a dream come true hey!) it was great to re-visit so much gorgeousness in one post. Thank you!
So glad you were a contestant, and enjoyed participating!! And, yes, we too LOVED looking back at the creations in one post – its quite an impressive line-up of talent….thank you for being a part of that!
Thank YOU ladies, I’m honored to be the last one who could flip a pattern in this amazing series!
We were tickled that you joined us!! Such an amazing creation to end on….
I was just wondering the other day…I wonder when the new season of FLip this pattern will start! Sad to see that the run is over, but many thanks for your hours of work…and for letting me be a part of it all!!