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It has been a while since we have shown a “Tale from the Bin” . . .garments that were sewn well before our nieces were born, and ones that were sewn as we were learning various heirloom techniques to have in our sewing skill set. The previously sewn garments from the bin are becoming fewer […]
Another pattern we had been eyeing to sew for quite some time was the Figgy’s Zephyr. Figgy’s patterns have a Zephyr Sundress and a Zephyr Romper. Typically, we would choose a dress . . .but last summer we were on the search for some good, comfy “play” attire. Again, using fabric purchased at the Farmhouse Fabrics […]
We made time in the Spring of 2018 to visit Farmhouse Fabrics . . . for their 1st annual “tent sale”. While we did not make it to the 2019 sale, we were tickled to see it become an annual event!! The prices were FAN.TAS.TIC!! Goodness. We have been trying to destash . . .and […]
EA has always been partial to a drop waist dress. Perhaps she was “sold” on this style from the Charlie Dresses we have made her . . . sewn HERE and HERE. Or, it might have been due to her Oliver + S, Croquet Dress . . . sewn HERE. And then there are the Oliver + […]
We don’t veer too much from our “tried and true” patterns, but the Clever Charlotte, Finch Top and Shorts was a pattern we had been anxious to sew for a while! We knew our niece would like the style of the top for the summer, and that it would be completely different than many of […]
Doesn’t this fabric remind you of a fiesta?? Maybe it is just us . . . but the colors of the stripes seemed to scream: P.A.R.T.Y! As we worked toward purging some of our fabric stash, this fabric kept surfacing as a fabric needing to be used. And, while we love stripes, this fabric gave us difficulty […]
We have wanted to sew this dress for a LONG TIME!! However, time and time again . . .something was pushed in front of it. . . we couldn’t decided on the fabric . . .etc. etc. After going to the 1st Farmhouse Fabrics tent sale, we had so much fabric . . .we had […]
LG LOVES to receive her sisters’ clothes. She looks forward to the day that various clothing articles make their way to her closet. She eyes them. She asks for them. She tries to wear them {from her sisters’ closets} ahead of time. And, then, when she receives them . . . sometimes they are worse for […]
“Stash Busting” seems to be a recurring issue with us. As soon as we THINK we have our fabric manageable . . . we realize we don’t. Recently, we have been making a concentrated effort to “use our stash” . . . and, this was on of those sewing projects. We refer to this dress […]
Our third, and final {for THAT season}, Oliver + S Class Picnic Blouse was sewn in a size 6 for EA. We added 1″ to skirt portion and 2″ to sleeve length. This fabric was purchased on a family vacation, while taking the 2nd niece to the fabric store {you can see what she selected HERE}. […]
CL was on tap to receive the 2nd sewn Oliver + S, Class Picnic Blouse. And yes, with this sewing project, we were continuing our effort to use some of those 1 yard fabric pieces we had been accumulating. We bought this fabric on sale {I can’t remember the store . . . except it was […]
So, we’ve been destashing our fabric . . . And, recently we’ve had a little problem. You see, we have LOTS of 1 yard pieces of fabric, yet our growing nieces are sizing out of 1 yard cuts. P.R.O.B.L.E.M. No worries!! The Oliver + S, Picnic Blouse was just what these destashers needed. BEWARE . . […]