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Awhile back, we had taken the Oliver + S Bubble Dress pattern, and revamped it to make some bubble sacques for “Baby Girl.” Being pleased with the results, we decided to make a bubble dress for her…this time, however, following the pattern directions from beginning to end. Well, with one minor addition: piping (surprise, surprise!) […]
We interrupt this program for a very important announcement! It’s that time of the year again….PROJECT RUN AND PLAY!! Can we get a WHOOP, WHOOP?!?! Please?? With Season 5 only a few weeks away, we are gearing up for the sew-along challenges, while looking back at last season – ie: the first time we ‘sewed along’ (from […]
Initially, this post was going to be named “The Case of Sweatipalmitis,” but after the traumas of this outfit, the title “Momma Said There’d Be Days Like This” was MUCH MORE APPROPRIATE. Never fear, ‘sweatipalmitis’ is sure to be defined in a future post…based on our track record with heirloom sewing! Before going any further….we must […]
“Let’s Go to the Movies!” was one of the challenges of Project Run and Play, Season 4. Our initial thoughts: a BIG belly laugh followed by a ‘x’ on our to-do list. You see, we’re not big movie-goers. Not because we don’t like movies, but because we just don’t make time to go to them! Then, we started thinking….and the emails/texts started […]
It was down to the wire. It was our sister’s due date, and the only things we had made for “baby girl” were two 12 month outfits that we had inadvertently cut the wrong size for her big sister. So, we got busy, quickly. Baby bubble sacque online tutorials are plentiful, but I chose what […]