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We don’t know about you, but we find “sewing for Fall / Winter” to be much, much, much more difficult than sewing for Spring / Summer.” Between available pattern choices and fabric selection, it is a rough go at times. Fortunately, our colder weather is much milder than many locations, and not nearly as long!! […]
Her 1st School Photo Dress {aka: her “secret pocket dress”} was met with such rave reviews for EA, that *of course* we had to make another one for this season. We sewed the Oliver + S, School Photo Dress in a size 5, with size 6 length. We added two inches to the sleeve length . […]
Who says you have to have all of your “school supplies” on the 1st day of school?? Well, maybe you should have your supplies, but . . . Poor CL. She’s the “one in the middle” . . . our most gracious “client”, yet the one that finds herself getting LOTS of handmade-me-downs and not […]
Happy Thanksgiving, one and all! We veered from our “normal, sewing with solids” for a FUN outfit for Thanksgiving! It’s not every day you can wear tepees . . . well, truth be told, EA will probably wear this creation well past Thanksgiving and quite possibly again next Thanksgiving. We found this fabric when Hancocks […]
Children’s Corner is at it again!! Another “tried and true” pattern has been updated, and is ready for you. . . This time: The Mary De Dress. A classic sundress that wraps to a V-back, and is fastened by two buttons. We sewed EA a size 5, view C. Since the pattern called for a 3 […]
So, it’s been pretty quiet around here for awhile. Ummm. . . who are we kidding? There’s been no MOOOO-vement around these parts . . . {couldn’t resist the pun}! The fall months seem to fill up with activities and events before our eyes . . .no matter how we plan and prepare. Still, we’ve found […]
The Building Block Dress STRIKES AGAIN!! Actually, this was our 2nd dress sewn {you can see the others HERE and HERE}, but due to a “photographer error”, the photos had to be retaken {and, the “photographer aunt” is still not happy with the results – trust us, the fabric is LOVELY in person}. Gladly, we […]
BUTTERFLIES?!?!?! OR LIFE PRESERVERS? That IS the question!! EA had a special sewing project – this past spring, and into the summer. She picked out her fabric to sew an Oliver + S, Hula Hoop Skirt. And, after we cut it for her . . . it was time to begin sewing! The Hula Hoop […]
Our friend, Louise, is hosting her annual “Sew Ready to Play” series this year . . . and asked if we’d like to “play along.” SURE!! We were “game” for another round . . . errrrr, season!! While we don’t play board games nearly enough these days, our family has enjoyed our fair share of “game […]
The sewing community is abuzz with excitement! The Oliver + S, Building Block Dress is FINALLY here!! And the sewing, designing, and creative community collectively rejoices . . . As for us? We enjoy sewing and creating unique clothes for our nieces. With a pattern . . . and directions. Errr, make that GOOD directions! […]
Almost two years ago, we headed to Orlando to take some classes from Liesl Gibson {of Oliver and S} at the annual SAGA conference. The premise of her classes?? “How to make alterations to a basic dress by using simple alteration techniques” Ohhh, we were pumped after going through the class . . . we decided that we […]
Here’s another gem from the bin! It’s an heirloom dress that Ashley sewed many, many years ago. A light pink dress with beautiful lace trim on the hemline, as well as around the collar area. EA truly likes her dress, the Child’s Wedding Ring Dress . . .but steps out her lace hem almost every […]
Today, we are taking a bit of a detour {only done twice before – seen here and here} and discussing one of our favorite topics: food. With college football officially getting underway this weekend, gatherings between family and friends eating delish food will be plentiful! Why not offer to bring something a little against the […]
A while back, we sewed a partial version of the Children’s Corner, Virginia. Partial? Why yes . . . because we did not include one of our favorite elements of the original pattern – the scalloped collar. So, we decided to sew another one. But this time, sew it “as is” – using only Virginia pattern […]
If you’ve followed our blog for any length of time, you probably know that our sister SELDOM has a “say” in what we sew the nieces! That’s good . . . and bad!! It’s wonderful because she isn’t picky – she trusts us, our tastes, and style for the girls . . . no matter […]
WOW! We prepared to sew this dress AGES ago. Literally . . . AGES ago! We had sewn a bubble using this fabric, and had enough left over to squeeze out a sz 4, Children’s Corner Lucy dress. While our style has changed somewhat since the preliminary prep of the outfit, the outcome was still […]
It’s been said before: We LOVE the Oliver + S, Swingset Tunic and Skirt pattern!! It’s a winner in our books . . . However, we’ve been stalking the Oliver + S discussion boards on “How to get a cleaner finish” when attaching the bodice and ruffle skirt areas. Since we couldn’t find too much information […]
The Oliver + S, Swingset Tunic {and skirt} ranks in our top five of “Summer Wardrobe Sews” . . . year in and year out! The style has always been a favorite of the girls, and the tiny straps and loose fitting nature of the garment gives a breeziness to an otherwise hot summer. It’s suffice […]
Our creations from THE BIN are quickly coming to an end. The girls are growing too fast, and our past sewing creations are waning. Still, there are a few left to be seen – including this one: a Children’s Corner, smocked Mary De. Sister Momma actually smocked this dress many, many years ago. It was […]
We don’t pattern test much these days. But, the time was right, and we thought we could squeeze one into our “sewing schedule”. We love and appreciate Children’s Corner patterns. These patterns are some of the first we ever sewed. And, they are ones that fit our nieces quite well, with minimal {if any} adjustments, […]