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We apologize for the shift in posts, but had a few items we wanted to share before it becomes 100 degrees and these creations are a bit irrelevant {except for our readers on the other side of the world}.
There are LOADS more “Disney Inspired” outfits to come . . . so bear with us as we share a couple of garments from earlier this year. We’ll be back with some more of our fun / sewing from the most “Magical Place on Earth” by the end of next week . . .
So, we’ve never been that “tight” with knits . . . although we have attempted to bond a bit more in recent times.
But, then we bought THIS gem of knits: Art Gallery Fabrics {by Pat Bravo}.
And, we were in love!
The quality of the knit fabric was like none other we’ve ever sewn.
It actually made sewing knits . . . wait for it . . . ENJOYABLE!
That’s right . . . you read that correctly.
Not all knit is created equal, and sewing with this quality of knit could become addicting!
It sure made us not want to sew with any other type.
For this creation, we sewed the Oliver + S, Sailboat Top, but modified it to a dress.
Perhaps we give ourselves too much credit, but the combination of fabrics reminded us of a Mini Boden look.
If we were to modify this pattern to a dress again, we would probably straighten out the hemline {instead of keeping the curve of the neckline}.
Comfort and color were two positive attributes for this creation . . . according to EA.
Looks like more sewing with knits may be in our future. And, if they are Art Gallery Fabrics, we might be able to stomach it . . . or perhaps even enjoy it!
Hi ladies! Nice to see some more posts from you…I wish I could say the same for myself! Unlike you, I haven’t even sewn anything in about 6 months. Ah, the joys of building a house:) Anyway, had to comment on this cute dress–totally a Mini Boden look–in fact that was my first thought when I saw it!
Well, building a house seems like a very good excuse to let the blog {and sewing} go for a while . . . Glad you saw mini-Boden too in our look!
Love this, and I felt EXACTLY the same way when I discovered Art Gallery Knits! Love them, and sew with them at every opportunity!
We didn’t know we could feel this way about knit . . .but, we were smitten!
I really need to try some Art Gallery knit! This dress is darling, and I agree that it has a Mini-Boden feel to it.
Thanks, Charity!! Yes, Art Gallery knits are definitely worth it . . .
Wonderful fabric design. I love this very much!