“Flip this Pattern” was a series that we hosted for two years connecting pattern companies and sewists. Our goal in developing the series was to learn more about pattern alterations / modifying patterns to fit our needs, as well as develop virtual friendships! In the future, we may choose to revitalize the series, but for now “life is happening” and time is lacking.
The “Flip This Pattern” series is a SEASONAL SEWING EVENT!!! It consists of monthly “flipped patterns,” sew-along linky parties for each one, and some fun prizes along the way….
Why “Flip This Pattern?” It is a loose spin-off on the television series, Flip this House (although unlike the show, each of the selected patterns is a WONDERFUL, stand-alone pattern). We are dependent on patterns, and love to add details / special features to make outfits more “ours” along the way. We are always intrigued by the way others use a given pattern and create their own “take” to it! “Flipping” can be as simple as fabric selection/s, or as complex as adding various “details” to an outfit. Think of it as “icing on the cake” – making something good, even better!
Selected competitors will “flip” the chosen pattern for the month, while everyone else is invited to participate in a sew-along linky party….specifically set up for the ‘flipped’ pattern of that month. We combined large pattern companies with smaller ones; established ones with ones just beginning pattern sales; etsy shops – several PDF patterns, and others with paper patterns only. All the patterns, though, hold a common thread – ones with endless possibilities for flipping!
Flip this Pattern: Summer 2014 is set to begin June 2014. So, don’t twiddle your thumbs….crank up those sewing machines, and get to sewing {err…..flipping} with us through the course of the year! Grab a button and sew with us!
*Please note: Creations sewn within the past three months of the “flip month” is eligible to be linked and contributed to the monthly sew-along linky party. These do not have to be completed within the month of the featured pattern.
OTHER WAYS TO BE INVOLVED: There is a pinterest board set up for “Flip this Pattern” sewn garments and/or inspirations. This board is set up for YOU….to pin inspirations of the given patterns to flip OR to pin your own creations using those patterns. Simply email us {francessuzanne2(at)gmail(dot)com}, ask to join, and begin pinning away!
Finally, if you are on instagram, use the hashtag #flipthispattern to share sneak peeks and/or creations you are working on throughout this series…..yet another way for us to share in the fun all year long!