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To pair with CL’s safari dress and LG’s repeat safari outfit {you can see the original outfit HERE}, we opted to sew EA the Oliver + S, Sketchbook Shorts {size 7} and a Children’s Corner, Nora {size 8, shortened to a shirt} with added applique.
The shorts were shortened to a 14″ outseam, since EA is notorious for wearing her shorts / pants low. Also, this pattern required a re-do, after we sewed EA a size 8 and they were waaaaaayyyyy too large on her. We determined even some major altering would still leave them looking “funny.” So, we started again.
For the Children’s Corner, Nora, we used a ready to wear shirt from her closet to gauge the length of the hem. After determining that, we finished the top with a 3/4″ hem.
A coordinating Oliver + S, Bucket Hat was also sewn for EA.
This accessory came in handy once again – keeping the girls’ cool . . .and protected from the sun.
Heat n’ bond {affiliate link} seemed to be a recurring friend for us as we prepared the girls’ outfits for Disney. For the applique of Africa, we traced the shape on the fabric but kept the fabric as a block.
Then, we pressed the heat n’ bond on the traced fabric, and cut out the exact shape of Africa.
Finally, we placed the heat n’ bonded Africa applique on the main fabric and pressed in place. To secure the image on the shirt, we stitched around the exterior of Africa to hold it in place.
We had originally thought we would sew more short sets for EA on this trip to Disney.
And while she did score more than her sisters, she still ended up with her fair share of dresses too.
I guess that is what happens when you are dealing with princesses . . .