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While we will probably never gravitate toward sewing knit, the Oliver + S, Girl on the Go was too tempting to pass up! We opted to sew the dress portion of the pattern, instead of the 3/4-length sleeves top option. Perhaps this is largely due to the higher than average temperatures we are currently experiencing. Or […]
We had a vision for the Oliver + S, Badminton Dress. We had talked about doing this creation for over a year. We thought there would be a “WOW FACTOR” upon its completion. But, we were left with a lackluster response . . .from ourselves. We think we went “too conservative” – by adding lace detailing […]
EA has been asking to sew a dress. She has previously sewn some skirts, and has done a great job, but to date – no dresses!! She is a meticulous child . . . almost to a fault at times . . . fearful of making a mistake. Her goal is high: Perfection. No more, no […]
Do you sew for others {to sell or otherwise}? We generally sew only for our nieces. They keep us busy . . . and we are always running behind on our mental “to do” list for each one of them. Still, there are times when we sew baby gifts for friends. Thus was the case […]
We took a shortcut. Time was of the essence. Our oldest niece, EA, still loves to wear “fancy dresses” {ie: the ones with smocking and/or lace}! We aren’t exactly sure when that will change . . .but are taking advantage of her desire to wear these dresses. That said, we had a few dresses sewn […]
The Oliver + S, Jump Rope Dress is AHHHH-MAZ-ING!! Seriously . . . The details of this pattern BLOW. OUR. MINDS. Time and time again!! That, and when you purchase the pattern it is practically like buying two separate dress patterns – the view A and B styles are so different! We have sewn our […]