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Jo, from Dotta, is here to give you her “Flipped Creation” for the Brooklyn Pattern Company, Franklin Dress. ******************************************************************* Hi! I’m Jo and I blog at Dotta. I’m happy to be here today to show you my flipped version of the Franklin Dress! I had seen this dress on other blogs after its release and […]
Olga, from Kid Approved, is here to give you her “Flipped Creation” for the Brooklyn Pattern Company, Franklin Dress. ******************************************************************* Hi, I am Olga from Kid Approved. I am here to present my version of The Franklin dress by Brooklyn Pattern Company. It was exciting to see it as the pattern to flip, since I […]
Kim, from Kimmie Sew Crazy, is here to give you her “Flipped Creation” for the Brooklyn Pattern Company, Franklin Dress. ******************************************************************* I can pretty much guarantee you that this post will have been rewritten 15 times before it has actually sent over to Frances Suzanne, I am a little very nervous! I can not even […]
Kerry, from Sutures and Sandpaper, is here to give you her “Flipped Creation” for the Brooklyn Pattern Company, Franklin Dress. ******************************************************************* Thanks for asking me to participate in this month’s Flip This Pattern!! I blog over at Sutures & Sandpaper (though admittedly not nearly as often as I’d like to). I am thrilled to be sharing my flips of the Franklin […]
The time has come to “Meet the Competitors” for the month of April. It all began with the Brooklyn Pattern Company, Franklin Dress … and then, the FLIPPING began! First, as an introduction by Ana Sofia {S is for Sewing} with her “flipped version” of the Franklin Dress… And, this week will be all about the competitors! […]
WHAT??? Still need convincing?? WELL!! You are one tough case to crack!!! We’ve said it before, but since the Butterfly Blouse and Skirt is such a super-duper, easy-peasy sew…..we’ve gone and sewn it again! And, this time, we are sharing our favorite of favorites {for now, at least}!! We like to say that we channeled […]
St. Patrick’s Day was approaching. EA had NOTHING green to wear. Emergency sewing commenced….with none other than the Oliver + S, Butterfly Blouse and Skirt. We raided our “stash”….and found what we thought would be PERFECT! Lesson learned: IT WASN’T! First of all, EA’s skirt was too large. Remember our important note of measurement – […]
So, we pattern tested for one of Liesl’s newest patterns – the Butterfly Blouse and Skirt {you can read more about it HERE}… To say we were EXCITED would be putting it mildly!! Everything was mailed to us – the pattern…the fabric…even the notions! One of the most exciting parts of the experience {besides seeing […]
They’re here, they’re here, they’re here!! The 2015 Spring Oliver + S patterns are FINALLY HERE!! We’ve been looking forward to this day for quite some time!! Go check them out….and come back to tell us what you think …. **And, psst: we’ll have more to share about these in the upcoming days…
So….we have a “tame-ish”, wild deer that regularly visits…. The girls LOVE watching her {to put it mildly} from the window… EA actually named her a couple of years ago. ROSEBUSH. A fitting name for a deer, and pretty good choice for a then, 2 year old. Sounds very….nature-y. It stuck….as did she! CL prays […]
Our niece is full of surprises. ALL. THE. TIME!! Especially when it deals with sewing. Like…the time she decided she just didn’t like “the triangle dress.” HUH? It was comfy, and we actually used fun fabric {which is soooo not our normal protocol}. Or, when she selected pastel thread to practice her sewing – instead […]
You might have heard by now….BUT…. The ladies over at Skirt Fixation have a pretty exciting event going on for the month of April!!! It’s called “All the Skirts“, and is a month-long event where they sew “All the Skirts” {hence, the name :)} of a given company. This month, it is all about Oliver + […]
First things first….The Franklin Dress pattern giveaway!!! CONGRATULATIONS, Katy and Mary!! You’ve just won yourself a Franklin Dress pattern!! We hope you love it as much as we do. Speaking of which…WE SEWED IT!!! UNflipped….because when you run the series, well…you can make your own rules! Our niece had asked for a “yellow dress”, and […]
It’s time to LINK UP your FLIP of the Brooklyn Pattern Co., Franklin Dress. And, if you haven’t already done so, go grab your copy of the Franklin Dress {20% off the Franklin dress. Enter: SPRINGFLIP} between April 1 – 8! There is also a giveaway you might be interested in … for a FREE Franklin Dress […]
Happy April Fool’s Day! While we AREN’T FOOLING {although it is quite hard to believe}, it’s our last month of the “Flip this Pattern“: Spring 2015 season!! Another Viewers’ Choice Winner is here to kick off the month by sharing her creation using the pattern of the month – the Brooklyn Pattern Company, Franklin Dress. Ana […]