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Our annual Valentines Celebration (three years and counting, baby) with the nieces was a bit later than usual this year….dubbing it “February 23: The NEW Valentines Day” instead! **DISCLAIMER: We did indeed narrow down the photo selection, but as you will discover: there are LOTS of PICS, but VERY FEW WORDS in this post! Be warned, and feel free […]
WOW, were we ever behind on our January sewing!!! With two ‘snowflake outfits’ for our nieces finally finished — it has been a never-ending sewing project at our house lately! A fluke “Southern Snow” and 1.5 days out of school helped our cause, yet we are still attempting to catch up. That said, we found ourselves struggling […]
So, unfortunately, we had to enter our ‘non-modeled Signature Style’ for PR&P {details here}….not quite the ‘bang for our buck’ we wanted to end the season on {ie: without those cute models}! But, friends: you never cease to amaze us at your encouragement, kind words, and thoughtful remarks – with or without modeling nieces!! And, […]
Wow….it is finally here: week 6 of Project Run and Play season six….THE SIGNATURE STYLE! We have sewn along for the past three seasons, yet we feel this is the first season our signature style is a true reflection of ‘our look.’ It’s taken some time in defining a style and honing into its components, but here are some common threads […]
So, we sat out of “Men’s Shirt Challenge” over at Project Run and Play. And….it killed us! Unfortunately, we had too many unfinished winter projects to justify sewing along for the week. Still….we found our minds drifting to the possibilities of outfits made from a man’s shirt. In those moments, we even pinned a few inspirations to our pinterest inspiration board… That […]
“A special weather statement has been issued by the National Weather Service. A 5% chance of snow has been issued for the given viewing area – sometime between now and 2015. Little to no accumulation is expected with this impending storm. Begin implementing your southern weather plan of action immediately…Buy your milk and bread now. It is time to […]