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Project Run and Play, Season 5: White Sheet Challenge {Part II} We decided for the second part of the ‘white sheet challenge': why not see if we can make an HEIRLOOM DRESS from a WHITE SHEET?!?!? Heirloom sewing is a challenge in and of itself for us….so, we thought this would be a perfect way to stretch […]
Project Run and Play, Season 5: White Sheet Challenge {Part I} Okay. We’ll say it. When the Project Run and Play, season 5 challenges were announced, “White Sheet Challenge” instantly became our favorite one!! There. We said it. Now, as Paul Harvey would say, is ‘the rest of the story….’, or at least “Part I” to THE saga… […]
Project Run and Play, Challenge Two: Fashion Icon Week The era was easy for us, and discovering a “Fashion Icon” that epitomizes our style…well, that was icing on the cake, and a breath of fresh air! If we were to pick an era of fashion most similar to our tastes, it would be the […]
Okay…if you need to be reminded: We get pretty pumped about another season of Project Run and Play! WHY? Well, it is because it pushes us to new, different, out-of-the-box concepts. It gives us a ‘free ticket’ to attempt things out of our comfort zone, we receive such sweet comments via our flickr feed, and […]
A PERSONAL NEWSFLASH: We are NOT big fans of cooler weather….because cooler weather means that COLDER weather is right around the corner. So, when it came time to plan the fall/winter wardrobe pieces for the girls, it proved quite the challenge. First of all, the children’s fabric selection for the winter months isn’t what the […]