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EA has had her fair share of passing along outgrown clothes to her sisters, yet for once….she balked. Just a bit. But it was there!
You see, she LOVED her First Day Dress that we made last year {and actually wore it to her First Day of Preschool}.
We really don’t know what she loved about it.
That it was a dress? That it was sewn in a bold color?
That she could match belts with it, at times {although the belts were confiscated soon after initial wearing due to them making the dress even shorter than anticipated}?
Who knows?!?! What we DO know is that she passed along the dress to CL…with a request: “Do you think Ashley and Emily could make me another one??”
Consider it done {although she may be envisioning a duplicate of First Day Dress #1}!! Still, we went with it – and found some home decor fabric we thought would be perfect.
This dress is such an easy, quick sew…..which thrills us that she likes it as much as she does!
Little time invested…super cute outcome.
The fabric gave us fits…trying to line up those stripes while we were cutting the pieces! Grrrr…extremely frustrating for 2 perfectionists.
We ended up pretty proud of our efforts, and really couldn’t believe they came together as close as they did…
We paired the large stripe fabric with a vintage, accent button on the back closure…just for fun!
And, yes, it was a detail that might have been EA’s favorite of the entire ensemble.
Darling. I love the color. Beautiful job stripe matching.
THANK YOU! We did a little tugging and stretching to make it work!
EA looks adorable in her new dress. The colors are beautiful on her. She is so lucky to have aunties who sew her dreams!
HA!! This week, we refused one of those dreams…. we had just finished a dress for CL, and EA decided she needed one “just like it.” We opted out of that … for a while.
Why do I not have this pattern? Really cute! I will have to take a look at the pattern.